The tough economic times have created a huge demand for local coupons and savings offers in recent years. Many consumers simply will not buy a product or service without an available coupon or deal. Retailers and service providers are heeding the call for savings and local coupons on a scale never before encountered…
If you are looking for local DuPage County coupons and deals online, the following list includes 10 great local coupon websites where you will find some sweet deals!
DuPage County Coupons & Local Coupon Sources (Save On Everything mailer)
If you live in the DuPage area, you’ve most likely received copies of the SAVE on Everything coupon magazine mailer in the mail. I usually save these in the event I need a coupon in the future, but sometimes I misplace the them. If you happen to misplace your copy of SAVE, you can always visit the website to print off valuable local restaurant coupons. (Clipper Magazine mailer)
The Clipper Magazine coupon mailer has most likely turned up in your mailbox more than once. In addition to the printed copy of the local coupon magazine, you can also download and print local coupons from their website.
You’ll often find a copy of Oaklee’s Family Guide in (or near) the entrance to local businesses, park district buildings, and/or local attractions. The guide (and coupons) are mostly for local family-friendly attractions in and around DuPage County and Chicagoland.
The printed guide is not only a great source of local coupons, but they often have many feature articles too. If you want the local coupons but can’t find a copy of Oaklee’s Guide, no worries… You can usually get copies of all available coupons online via their website.
I’ve posted about Jill Cataldo in the past, you can read about her creative use of coupons and offers here. If you are looking to save big on groceries at local grocery stores, you need to check out all of the deals that Jill has mapped out for you in her Deals of the Week section. She’ll show you how to save massive amounts of money on groceries by leveraging coupons and weekly sales.
Local & National Coupon Websites
RetailMeNot is one of the most well-organized, useful online coupon sites there is. Though the clearly have more coupon codes and discounts for online business, they do have printable local coupons as well. I always check this site prior to buying online in attempts to find a deal and save some extra money on my online purchase.
The other thing I like about RetailMeNot, as opposed to many of the online coupon sites, is they are no-nonsense. Many of the coupons sites out there leave you feeling deceived by the fake coupons and offers they present. Each coupon and coupon code presented includes an indicator (by percentage) of the chance the offer will work.
Hip2Save is a savings and coupon watchers paradise! The website, in blog format, reports on deals, offers, and coupons that can be found on a local and national level. Check the website out to find great deals that will save you tons of money!
Local Group Savings & Coupons
Groupon is a great source for deals and deep discounts from local businesses. Many of the discount offers have some basic requirements attached to them, but they are usually nothing inconvenient to the discount buyer. In addition to local savings, some Groupons are offered for nationally known businesses.
The site offers group savings and discounts, with a focus on local businesses and services. Like Groupon, Living Social usually offers one big discount offer per day. (Amazon Local)
Nationally recognized online retail giant has thrown their hat into the daily deals ring with Amazon Local. The appeal hasn’t grown to the scale of Groupon yet, but I wouldn’t doubt that it gets there soon. (Google Offers)
Google is putting the pressure on all the other daily deals sites with Google Offers, Google’s version of the daily group deals site. Though Google Offers is not available in the Chicago market yet, keep an eye out for it, I wouldn’t doubt that it’s coming soon…
If you would like to let us know of any other local coupon websites, please do so in the comments section.