Future Fuel a Source of Future Naperville Area Jobs?
Company converts cellulose to ethanol fuel in Naperville area…
Company converts cellulose to ethanol fuel in Naperville area…
The DuPage workNet Career Center offers various employment, career, and workforce development services to the job seekers and businesses of DuPage County.
Naperville On the Hunt job candidates check in During the past year, I’ve spoken with dozens of Naperville-based job seekers for my weekly “On the Hunt” column. Some were approaching their 24th month of looking for full-time employment while others had just been laid off eight weeks before our conversation. Regardless of his or her…
In times such as these, it’s good to hear of new jobs coming to the DuPage County area…
Though the current outlook may seem bleak, there are opportunities out there. In DuPage County, we are rather lucky to have so many large-scale employers located within our borders.