Below is a list of standard sales and use tax rates for DuPage County. This list does not include all of the DuPage County taxes we pay (such as real estate taxes), but gives you an idea of how much you tax you pay when you make regular purchases in DuPage.
Please not that these rates DO NOT include any additional village or local municipal taxes that may be added on to these rates. For example, a local village may add an additional 1.25% to the DuPage County sales tax rate of 7.25%, thus bringing the total sales tax rate to 8.5% in that location.
Here are the DuPage County Tax Rates as of November 2010:
Sales and Related Taxes
General merchandise tax rate is 7.250% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 6.250%
- County Water Commission Tax 0.250%
- Regional Transportation Authority 0.750%
Qualifying food and drugs 1.750% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 1.000%
- Regional Transportation Authority 0.750%
Vehicle Purchase Tax Rate 7.250% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 6.250%
- County Water Commission Tax 0.250%
- Regional Transportation Authority 0.750%
Use Taxes (use and service use taxes)
General merchandise 6.250% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 6.250%
Qualifying food and drugs 1.000% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 1.000%
Vehicle (RUT-25) 7.250% – Rate consists of the following:
- State Rate 6.250%
- County Water Commission Tax 0.250%
- Regional Transportation Authority 0.750%
Other related sales taxes
- County Motor Fuel Tax $0.04 per gallon
Automobile renting tax 5.000%
Telecommunication taxes 7.000%