DuPage County’s New $28 Million Communcation System
DuPage County gears up for million communication system Motorola system will link emergency providers state-wide. Read more on Lemont Reporter
DuPage County gears up for million communication system Motorola system will link emergency providers state-wide. Read more on Lemont Reporter
EMKAY and DuPage PADS Help Give a Happy Holiday ITASCA, IL – EMKAY partnered with the DuPage PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) to help provide a Thanksgiving meals to families in need. The EMKAY family rallied to donate more than six complete baskets to families in need this holiday season. Read more on Automotive…
DuPage County’s top stories of 2010 Glance over your shoulder at the complicated year that was 2010 in DuPage County and it’s difficult to find one moment, one event that sums the whole thing up. Where is the common bond, the string that ties it all together? Read more on Daily Herald
Delnor, Central DuPage OK merger plans The merger is on. Delnor Health System in Geneva and Central DuPage Hospital, based in Winfield, have finalized their intent to join forces. The two health care centers announced early in October that they planned to merge, and the partnership awaits scrutiny by regulators who must approve the move….
Glen Ellyn Images of America – Book Glen Ellyn took its name from a Victorian real estate development whose massive promotional campaigns brought this unusually beautiful village to the attention of city dwellers eager to move their families away from the grimy, coal-fired environs of Chicago. Its story begins with hardy New Englanders who felled…
Salmonella and other food poisonings seem to be on the rise these days. I believe it’s a simple byproduct of mass food preparation. The article below is another warning… DuPage added to list of confirmed Jimmy John’s salmonella cases The Illinois Department of Public Health has added DuPage County to the list of locales where…
In this weekly feature we will present random photos from in and around DuPage County – little glimpses into the lives and places that comprise DuPage…. Dupage County Government Image by Michael Kappel Du Page County Government Center DuPage County Veterans Memorial Wheaton Illinois Forest Preserve District of DuPage County Image by DiscoverDuPage Over 25,000 acres and…
What to do when the heat goes out? During standard business hours, calling a furnace repair or heating and cooling technician out to your home is expensive. After-hours and weekend repairs can be silly-expensive. So, before calling out a furnace repairman, there are some things you’ll want to troubleshoot for yourself first.
Just a quick reminder for all the parents out there… Remember that DuPage-area public schools are closed for Thanksgiving vacation this week. No need to rush the kids off to school, but hopefully they have somewhere to go
The 2010-2011 will cover both seasonal flu as well as H1N1 (Swine Flu) strains. The new vaccinations will be readily available throughout DuPage County by October.